* price as on 03 Jun 2025
Mar-20A Mar-21A Mar-22F Mar-23F
Net Interest Income (Rsm) 10,207 13,484 15,534 22,015
Total Non-Interest Income (Rsm) 1,048 1,889 1,766 1,709
Operating Revenue (Rsm) 11,255 15,373 17,300 23,723
Total Provision Charges (Rsm) (2,373) (7,713) (4,450) (2,687)
Net Profit (Rsm) 3,355 1,314 4,120 8,579
Core EPS (Rs) 23.30 8.44 26.48 55.14
Core EPS Growth 4% (64%) 214% 108%
FD Core P/E (x) 42.27 116.64 37.20 17.86
DPS (Rs)
Dividend Yield
BVPS (Rs) 189.9 237.2 263.7 318.9
P/BV (x) 5.19 4.15 3.73 3.09
ROE 13.2% 4.1% 10.6% 18.9%
% Change In Core EPS Estimates
InCred Research/Consensus EPS (x)
(Rs mn) Mar-20A Mar-21A Mar-22F Mar-23F
Net Interest Income 10,207 13,484 15,534 22,015
Total Non-Interest Income 1,048 1,889 1,766 1,709
Operating Revenue 11,255 15,373 17,300 23,723
Total Non-Interest Expenses (4,266) (5,856) (7,344) (9,571)
Pre-provision Operating Profit 6,989 9,517 9,956 14,152
Total Provision Charges (2,373) (7,713) (4,450) (2,687)
Operating Profit After Provisions 4,616 1,804 5,506 11,465
Pretax Income/(Loss) from Assoc.
Operating EBIT (incl Associates) 4,616 1,804 5,506 11,465
Non-Operating Income/(Expense)
Profit Before Tax (pre-EI) 4,616 1,804 5,506 11,465
Exceptional Items
Pre-tax Profit 4,616 1,804 5,506 11,465
Taxation (1,261) (490) (1,386) (2,886)
Consolidation Adjustments & Others
Exceptional Income - post-tax
Profit After Tax 3,355 1,314 4,120 8,579
Minority Interests
Pref. & Special Div
FX And Other Adj.
Net Profit 3,355 1,314 4,120 8,579
(Rs mn) Mar-20A Mar-21A Mar-22F Mar-23F
Gross Loans/Cust Deposits
Avg Loans/Avg Deposits
Avg Liquid Assets/Avg Assets 7.4% 13.0% 15.4% 9.7%
Avg Liquid Assets/Avg IEAs 8.3% 15.4% 18.7% 10.9%
Net Cust Loans/Assets 88.2% 77.8% 83.7% 89.9%
Net Cust Loans/Broad Deposits 129.4% 128.0% 134.3% 140.6%
Equity & Provns/Gross Cust Loans 24.6% 31.5% 28.0% 24.2%
Asset Risk Weighting 93.9% 81.6% 87.1% 92.8%
Provision Charge/Avg Cust Loans 2.68% 6.76% 3.37% 1.53%
Provision Charge/Avg Assets 2.38% 5.58% 2.73% 1.33%
Total Write Offs/Average Assets
(Rs mn) Mar-20A Mar-21A Mar-22F Mar-23F
Total Gross Loans 110,989 117,205 146,506 205,109
Liquid Assets & Invst. (Current) 456
Other Int. Earning Assets 555 2,810 3,147 3,525
Total Gross Int. Earning Assets 112,000 120,015 149,653 208,634
Total Provisions/Loan Loss Reserve
Total Net Interest Earning Assets 112,000 120,015 149,653 208,634
Intangible Assets
Other Non-Interest Earning Assets 5,827 5,492 5,667 6,242
Total Non-Interest Earning Assets 6,718 5,734 5,957 6,620
Cash And Marketable Securities 7,179 24,844 19,514 12,957
Long-term Investments
Total Assets 125,896 150,593 175,124 228,210
Customer Interest-Bearing Liabilities
Bank Deposits 85,800 91,545 109,096 145,870
Interest Bearing Liabilities: Others 8,567 16,842 20,268 27,446
Total Interest-Bearing Liabilities 95,397 109,414 130,391 174,342
Banks Liabilities Under Acceptances
Total Non-Interest Bearing Liabilities 2,068 3,215 3,697 4,252
Total Liabilities 97,464 112,629 134,088 178,594
Shareholders Equity 27,342 36,916 41,036 49,616
Minority Interests
Total Equity 27,342 36,916 41,036 49,616
Mar-20A Mar-21A Mar-22F Mar-23F
Total Income Growth 36.8% 32.1% 15.2% 41.7%
Operating Profit Growth 22.1% 36.2% 4.6% 42.2%
Pretax Profit Growth (7%) (61%) 205% 108%
Net Interest To Total Income 90.7% 87.7% 89.8% 92.8%
Cost Of Funds 8.07% 9.07% 9.00% 9.70%
Return On Interest Earning Assets 17.9% 19.6% 19.5% 20.5%
Net Interest Spread 9.88% 10.56% 10.52% 10.84%
Net Interest Margin (Avg Deposits)
Net Interest Margin (Avg RWA) 11.03% 11.19% 11.28% 12.09%
Provisions to Pre Prov. Operating Profit 34% 81% 45% 19%
Interest Return On Average Assets 10.23% 9.75% 9.54% 10.92%
Effective Tax Rate 27.3% 27.2% 25.2% 25.2%
Net Dividend Payout Ratio
Return On Average Assets 3.36% 0.95% 2.53% 4.25%


Rishabh JOGANI

(91) 22 4161 1569 rishabh.jogani@incredresearch.com


(91) 22 4161 1553 meghna.luthra@incredresearch.com