* price as on 28 Jan 2025
Mar-24A Mar-25F Mar-26F Mar-27F
Revenue (Rsm) 93,747 106,770 125,632 139,816
Operating EBITDA (Rsm) 22,800 27,049 31,198 35,070
Net Profit (Rsm) 13,976 16,580 19,368 21,494
Core EPS (Rs) 72.3 85.8 100.2 111.2
Core EPS Growth 25.2% 18.6% 16.8% 11.0%
FD Core P/E (x) 37.43 31.55 27.01 24.34
DPS (Rs) 16.0 18.0 22.0 26.0
Dividend Yield 0.59% 0.67% 0.81% 0.96%
EV/EBITDA (x) 24.25 20.22 17.43 15.34
P/FCFE (x) 161.32 114.75 120.12 91.26
Net Gearing 33.7% 23.4% 17.7% 11.2%
P/BV (x) 5.90 5.14 4.48 3.92
ROE 17.0% 17.4% 17.7% 17.2%
% Change In Core EPS Estimates
InCred Research/Consensus EPS (x)
(Rs mn) Mar-24A Mar-25F Mar-26F Mar-27F
Total Net Revenues 93,747 106,770 125,632 139,816
Gross Profit 49,003 56,588 65,329 74,103
Operating EBITDA 22,800 27,049 31,198 35,070
Depreciation And Amortisation (6,438) (7,458) (8,461) (9,893)
Operating EBIT 16,363 19,591 22,737 25,177
Financial Income/(Expense) (1,089) (1,200) (1,000) (850)
Pretax Income/(Loss) from Assoc.
Non-Operating Income/(Expense) 3,317 3,715 4,087 4,332
Profit Before Tax (pre-EI) 18,591 22,107 25,824 28,659
Exceptional Items
Pre-tax Profit 18,591 22,107 25,824 28,659
Taxation (4,615) (5,527) (6,456) (7,165)
Exceptional Income - post-tax
Profit After Tax 13,976 16,580 19,368 21,494
Minority Interests
Preferred Dividends
FX Gain/(Loss) - post tax
Other Adjustments - post-tax
Net Profit 13,976 16,580 19,368 21,494
Recurring Net Profit 13,976 16,580 19,368 21,494
Fully Diluted Recurring Net Profit 13,976 16,580 19,368 21,494
(Rs mn) Mar-24A Mar-25F Mar-26F Mar-27F
EBITDA 22,800 27,049 31,198 35,070
Cash Flow from Invt. & Assoc.
Change In Working Capital 4,381 (3,311) (6,044) (3,225)
(Incr)/Decr in Total Provisions (3,677) 70 70 70
Other Non-Cash (Income)/Expense
Other Operating Cashflow
Net Interest (Paid)/Received 2,228 2,515 3,087 3,482
Tax Paid (4,020) (5,527) (6,456) (7,165)
Cashflow From Operations 21,712 20,797 21,855 28,232
Capex (11,310) (9,500) (12,000) (13,000)
Disposals Of FAs/subsidiaries
Acq. Of Subsidiaries/investments
Other Investing Cashflow (4,989) (1,738) (2,500) (4,500)
Cash Flow From Investing (16,299) (11,238) (14,500) (17,500)
Debt Raised/(repaid) (2,170) (5,000) (3,000) (5,000)
Proceeds From Issue Of Shares
Shares Repurchased
Dividends Paid (3,093) (3,479) (4,253) (5,026)
Preferred Dividends
Other Financing Cashflow
Cash Flow From Financing (5,263) (8,479) (7,253) (10,026)
Total Cash Generated 150 1,079 102 706
Free Cashflow To Equity 3,243 4,559 4,355 5,732
Free Cashflow To Firm 6,502 10,759 8,355 11,582
(Rs mn) Mar-24A Mar-25F Mar-26F Mar-27F
Total Cash And Equivalents 528 1,607 1,709 2,415
Total Debtors 15,433 13,163 16,521 18,387
Inventories 12,705 16,966 20,652 22,983
Total Other Current Assets 8,235 8,885 9,535 10,185
Total Current Assets 36,901 40,621 48,417 53,970
Fixed Assets 72,280 74,322 77,861 80,968
Total Investments 26,868 27,868 29,868 33,868
Intangible Assets
Total Other Non-Current Assets
Total Non-current Assets 99,148 102,190 107,729 114,836
Short-term Debt 30,369 25,369 22,369 17,369
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
Total Creditors 8,926 7,606 8,605 9,576
Other Current Liabilities 4,295 4,495 4,695 4,895
Total Current Liabilities 43,590 37,470 35,669 31,841
Total Long-term Debt
Hybrid Debt - Debt Component
Total Other Non-Current Liabilities
Total Non-current Liabilities
Total Provisions 3,840 3,622 3,642 3,662
Total Liabilities 47,430 41,091 39,311 35,502
Shareholders Equity 88,619 101,720 116,836 133,304
Minority Interests
Total Equity 88,619 101,720 116,836 133,304
Mar-24A Mar-25F Mar-26F Mar-27F
Revenue Growth (6.9%) 13.9% 17.7% 11.3%
Operating EBITDA Growth 15.3% 18.6% 15.3% 12.4%
Operating EBITDA Margin 24.3% 25.3% 24.8% 25.1%
Net Cash Per Share (Rs) (154.38) (122.93) (106.88) (77.36)
BVPS (Rs) 458.45 526.23 604.43 689.62
Gross Interest Cover 15.02 16.33 22.74 29.62
Effective Tax Rate 24.8% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0%
Net Dividend Payout Ratio 22.1% 21.0% 22.0% 23.4%
Accounts Receivables Days 54.45 48.88 43.12 45.57
Inventory Days 116.77 107.91 113.85 121.18
Accounts Payables Days 56.25 60.12 49.06 50.49
ROIC (%) 13.6% 15.4% 16.8% 17.0%
ROCE (%) 14.0% 15.5% 16.7% 17.0%
Return On Average Assets 11.4% 12.5% 13.5% 13.6%


Pramod AMTHE

(91) 22 4161 1541 pramod.amthe@incredresearch.com


(91) 02241611552 ravi.gupta@incredresearch.com